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Australia’s Energy Future

Energy policy remains one of the most contentious areas of public debate in Australia. The recent IPCC report on climate change, which makes clear the sheer magnitude of the looming environmental crisis, makes even more urgent the need to find innovative ways of reshaping the way we as Australians generate and use our energy.

While there have been encouraging signs in the recent growth of the renewables market, many obstacles still remain. Affordability, lack of political will, undue political influence from industry, technological and economic barriers, not to mention our own attachment to the consumption of energy, all remain key points
of public debate today.

With this in mind, Conversation at the Crossroads invites you to a unique two-part Zoom online event on Australia’s Energy Future.

On Thursday 30 September we will be running an information session on
Australia’s energy future, followed by a strategy session involving small-group discussions the following week on Thursday 7 October.

Registrants would be expected to attend both sessions.

Information session
30 September 7.00pm-8.15pm

This will provide us with an opportunity to become better informed about the current state of play and the obstacles that stand in the way of change. We will feature two speakers:

Tony Wood, Director, Energy Program at the Grattan Institute

Mark Wakeham, Policy Advisor on Climate, Energy and Just Transitions, Australian Council of Trade Unions

Strategy session
7 October 7.00pm-8.15pm

Participants will be asked to reflect on what they had learned the previous week, and to engage in small-group discussion, where ideas for future strategic action can be formed.

The aims of the event are:

  • To arrive at a better understanding of the obstacles (political, economic, technological and cultural) that stand in the way of bringing about a shift to a greater reliance on renewable sources of energy, but also in the way we consume energy.

  • To formulate a set of achievable goals and strategies that can be carried out both at the individual and collective level.

  • To form ongoing networks based on these discussions, through which future actions can be organized and coordinated.

Kristian Camilleri

In Conversation with: Kristian Camilleri

Kristian is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne. He is passionate about working towards a better world and committed to giving young people the necessary skills they need to navigate an increasingly complex and challenging world. He is a big believer that dialogue and conversation, when done in a constructive and respectful way, can be both life-changing and world-changing.

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